Second one, Choose a deductible as per your financial circumstances. Higher deductible would lower you rates. Always choose an amount which you can afford to pay in an unexpected circumstances.
Finally, you should shop around for coverage. Different companies have different methods of calculating premium. So you should contact with at least three insurance companies and analyze their insurance policy then you can choose the best policy which suits your financial situations.
Cheapest Auto Insurance Companies
According to the latest analysis of minimum coverage rates. Here are the cheapest annual auto insurance rates for the top five auto insurers in the united states.
1. Geico is the cheapest major auto insurance company in the country. Geico's average annual rate was 354$ or about 29$ per month.
2. State farm - Average annual rate is 452$ or an average monthly rate 38$
3. Progressive - Average annual rate 619$ or an average monthly rate 52$
4. Farmers - Average annual rate 620$ or an average monthly rate 52$
5. Allstate - Average annual rate 666$ or an average monthly rate 55$.